To Protect and Ensure Safe, Respectful, and Responsible Interactions on The Wicrypt Telegram Community.

20 Feb 2023, 08:01
To Protect and Ensure Safe, Respectful, and Responsible Interactions on The Wicrypt Telegram Community The Wicrypt team will never ask you for personal information or DM you airdrops or giveaways. Please stay alert and NEVER share your private key (a.k.a. seed phrase or secret phrase) with strangers. Do not click on links or download any files sent to you by strangers in a DM (private message). 1. Customer Support Our customer support link is All enquiries and complaints should be directed to this channel for speedy resolutions. 2. Complaints and Enquiries Enquiries and complaints dropped on the Telegram channel will not hold priority and will only be attended to after all other support channels have been sorted. 3. Language Use The official language to communicate on the Wicrypt Telegram Community is English. Any messages sent in pidgin English or other languages will be deleted and not responded to. We will give the poster two warnings; if this continues after the warnings, you will be suspended from the channel. 4. Be Respectful You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards them. Treat others the way you want to be treated. 5. No Inappropriate Language The use of profanity will be completely unaccepted. Any derogatory language towards any user or admin is prohibited. 6. No Spamming Only send a few small messages right after each other. Do not disrupt chat by spamming. 7. No Pornographic/Adult/Other NSFW Material This is a community channel and is not meant to share this kind of material. 8. No Advertisements We do not tolerate any kind of advertisements, whether it be for other communities or streams. You can post your content in the trading channel if it is relevant and provides actual value (Video/Art) 9. No offensive Names and Profile Pictures You will be asked to change your name or picture if the staff deems them inappropriate. 10. Direct & Indirect Threats Threats to other users of Wicrypt, Death, DoX, abuse, and other malicious threats are absolutely prohibited and disallowed. Anyone caught threatening other users will be suspended and reported to the authorities as needed. 11. Faulty Devices Please ensure that you have communicated with our tech support officers on a virtual call before sending devices to the office to be fixed. We will only acknowledge devices sent to the office after first speaking with a tech support officer. 12. Device Resale There will be no buying and selling of any Wicrypt device on the telegram channel. Further, please note that we will not take responsibility for any transactions with any other user at any time. Businesses between other users will be done solely at your risk. 13. Token Price/ Reward Amount Discussions Discussions about token price, reward amount, and reward comparison should be sent to the trading group or the official complaint channel. If you have yet to earn rewards and believe you met the requirements, kindly reach out through the official customer support channel. Your presence in this channel means accepting these rules, including all further changes. These changes might be done at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to check for them.